How To Be Like Hermione Granger.
This book will show you how to be like her. It will show you how to look, dress and act like her I will start from Year One and gradually move to year seven. This is my first book. Thanks for reading.
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Year One Part Two
Chapter 3
“Harry: It's locked!
Ron: That's it, we're done for!
Hermione: Oh, move over! {pushes through and pulls out wand} Alohomora. {The door opens.} Get in. {They go in.}
Ron: Alohomora?
Hermione: Standard book of spells, Chapter 7.
Filch appears at the start of the corridor with a light. Mrs.Norris looks at him.
Filch: Anyone here, my sweet? {meow} Come on. {exit.}
Hermione: Filch is gone.
Ron: Probably thinks this door's locked.
Hermione: It was locked.
Harry: And for good reason. {Ron and Hermione turn to stand with Harry. There is a massively huge three headed dog sleeping in front of them. The dog, FLUFFY, begins to wake. It growls, yawns, and growls more...noticing the intruders.}
All: AHHHHHHH! {The three run out of the door. They turn quickly to shut the door and battle against the dog. They get the door shut and run.}
Back in the Gryffindor room. They are breathless.
Ron: What do they think they're doing?? Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school.
Hermione: You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?
Ron: I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads. Or maybe you didn't notice, there were three! {they begin to climb the stairs to the dorms.}
Hermione: It was standing on a trap door. Which means it wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something.
Harry: Guarding something?
Hermione: That's right. Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed...or worse, expelled! {turns and leaves, shutting the door to her dorms.}
Ron: She needs to sort out her priorities!
Harry nods.”
We can learn even more about Hermione Granger from these scenes.
3) We find out that Hermione is very observant. When in dangerous situations, she rarely completely panics. She is still able to clearly notice the details in her surroundings.
“Hermione: You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?
Ron: I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads. Or maybe you didn't notice, there were three! {they begin to climb the stairs to the dorms.}
Hermione: It was standing on a trap door….”
She is also able to make good inferences based on her observations.
“... Which means it wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something.”
Here are some tips on how to be more observant
Tip 1: Listen more. If you really listen, you’ll notice much more than if you were just constantly speaking.
Tip 2: Fully use all of your senses.
Tip 3: Try some puzzles. Like this one,
Or do a puzzle. Puzzles can help you notice all the small details that combine together.