Newswarts (The No.1 Hogwarts Newspaper) #3
We are back with the third issue of Newswarts! It has come out a bit later than I intended, but rest assured, it has lots of cool reads, and maybe even some competitions! (March 2023)
Last Updated
The Knargle Theory
Chapter 1
All rights reserved to The Quibbler, who first published this article in 1995
Have you ever felt like something is floating round your head, but you can never quite see it? Or you have inexplainable mind blanks from time to time?
Well, the chances are, you may have knargles. These tiny creatures fly around your head, and make your brain go fuzzy, so you can't think. They do this is because the more cells that disappear in your brain, the smarter they get.
If you want to get rid of them, it is very hard unless you have purchased The Quibbler. See, the creatures can sometimes turn invisible, making them impossible to see. However, if you find the free spectrespecs that come with this magazine, simply put them on, and you will be able to see them even in their invisible form.
The spectrespecs that are attatched to page 36 are only avaliable for 4 times use. This is because if you use them more than 4 times, you might catch a bad case of Wollycodger. Therefore, I suggest you only use them 4 times so that you will live a Wollycodger free life.
Spectrespecs are not sold seperately.
If you want to find out more about the great disease (Wollycodger) that is going to take over all the goblins, read more on page 62.