Horntail Gazette #3
Quidditch, magical creatures, food, fashion and more awaits you in this new issue of the Horntail Gazette! Instagram: @horntailgazette
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Book Reviews
Chapter 5
Muggle Book
Title: The Hunger Games
Author: Suzanne Collins
Genre: Dystopia, Fantasy, Adventure and Post Apocalyptic
Nominations: CYBILS Award for Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction (2008), Locus Award Nominee for Best Young Adult Book (2009), Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire Nominee for Roman jeunesse étranger (2010), South Carolina Book Award for Junior and Young Adult Book (2011), Books I Loved Best Yearly (BILBY) Awards for Older Readers (2012), and more
Age Rating: 13+
Rated: 8.7/10
Review: 'Absolute solid gold standard. Phenomenal. Don't let the movies pollute your memories of this book, it is OUTSTANDING.'- Ariel
Fan Fiction
Title: Dramione's Song
Author: Rubyfire
Genre: Drama and Expanded universe
Rated: 9.2/10
Review: 'I’m going to start by saying there are so many Dramione stories and in my opinion most of them are pretty bad, but this one was actually really good! While I’m not huge fan of the style of having a song at the beginning of each chapter, I understand people who do that style, and I think this author did it really well. The characters were round and well developed, the plot moved along smoothly, and the mystery in this story was really amazing. The ending was perfect in every aspect. Overall, I really enjoyed the writing style and the amount of details were enough but not overboard. I would definitely read another fanfic by this author.'- Abegail
Link: <a href="https://www.hexrpg.com/fanfiction/story.php?id=12658" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.hexrpg.com/fanfiction/story.php?id=12658</a>
- By Sabrina Tabac, HG Founder, Editor & Manager