Horntail Gazette #3

written by Sabrina Tabac

Quidditch, magical creatures, food, fashion and more awaits you in this new issue of the Horntail Gazette! Instagram: @horntailgazette

Last Updated






Rulers of House Points

Chapter 3

For this issue, we will have an exciting new story, and focus on the thrilling and competitive house cup. With 2744 points, I decided to interview a 1st year named Jade Malfoy!! I wanted to interview her on how she managed to win first place in her year for Slytherins.

Let's start the interview. After introductions I asked my first question.

Me: Do you feel like your success in house points has something to do with your house?

Jade: Not necessarily, I believe everyone has the capacity to achieve great result. Saying that, I do believe that the house traits define us, for example I am a Slytherin so you could say I am very ambitious, this is why I aspire to have lots of achivemnets, so I tend to work hard for what I want, in this case house points.

Me: How did you get so many house points?

Jade: By reading mostly, doing lots of reaserch and never sticking to doing only the necessary, but more. I read each lesson at least twice to make sure I fully understand the lesson.

Me: Do you dedicate yourself to hard work?

Jade: I do, actually I take pride to that.

Me: Before I contacted you, were you aware that you were in 1st place for year one Slytherin students and 1st place for year one students overall?

Jade: I was, a few students pointed out to me a couple of months ago, but honestly before that I had no idea.

Me: What information would you give others that are trying to build up their house points?

Jade: I say once you understand the lesson completly, not memorize but understand, you are capable of getting the highest grade possible.

There you have it, folks. Jade deserves special recognition for taking part in this issue. That, in my opinion, was both amazing and inspirational. I may even complete my homework.

- By Sabrina Tabac, HG Founder, Editor & Manager

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