Horntail Gazette #3
Quidditch, magical creatures, food, fashion and more awaits you in this new issue of the Horntail Gazette! Instagram: @horntailgazette
Last Updated
Chapter 15
Hi everyone! In this post we will cover 5 spells. Please make sure you don't use these unless you've learnt them in class. These are only for reference and interest, NOT as a guide.
1. Homenum Revelio
This is a spell which reveals the presence of any other humans in the surrounding environment. It creates no flash of light when cast, and when cast on someone, it creates an odd sensation.
2. Scourgify
The Scouring Charm is a cleaning charm used for washing things. Many wizarding families use this spell not only for cleaning, but also for punishing people who swore, as it fills the mouth with soap.
3. Aberto
Aberto is a charm used to open doors. It creates a blue light when cast, and is similar, but not the same, as Alohomora, the unlocking charm.
4. Diffindo
The Severing Charm is used to precisely and accurately cut anything. If used inappropriately, it can cause injury or death. In Hogwarts, it's taught in 1st, 4th, 5th year Charms classes, and covered in 1st and 2nd year Herbology classes. When used, it creates a light green, pink or red light.
5. Homonculus Charm
The Homonculus Charm is a charm that is used to detect anyone's true identity and location on a piece of parchment, and is what was used to create the Marauder's Map. It has a very powerful effect in that it won't be fooled by meathods of concealment or disguise, such as Invisibility Cloaks, the Polyjuice Potion and Animagus transformations.
- By Sabrina Tabac, HG Founder, Editor & Manager