Horntail Gazette #3

written by Sabrina Tabac

Quidditch, magical creatures, food, fashion and more awaits you in this new issue of the Horntail Gazette! Instagram: @horntailgazette

Last Updated






Potion Recipes

Chapter 13

This weeks potion is The Cure for Boils. Please do not try to make this potion yourself unless you have learned the proper way in class.

Brew time: 44 minutes

Usage: The potion is applied topically (that is, to the surface) of the affected area, which draws the boil to a “head” in mere minutes.


  • 750 mL of water
  • 6 snake fangs
  • 4 horned slugs
  • 2 porcupine quills
  • 3 measures of Flobberworm Mucus


Part 1

  1. Add 750 mL of water to your cauldron and bring temperature to 90°C (194°F).
  2. Add all six snake fangs to your mortar and crush them into a fine and even consistency using your pestle.
  3. Take the tablespoon you see beside your mortar and add four measures of the fangs to your cauldron.
  4. Heat your cauldron to 110°C (230°F) for 10 seconds, then turn down the flame to 90°C (194°F). Wave your wand once clockwise. At this point your potion should have a pink hue. Leave your pewter cauldron brewing for 22 minutes. Throughout much of this potions’ brewing, you will notice that, even as the color of the potion changes, the smoke remains pinkish in hue.

Part 2

  1. At this point, all four horned slugs should be added directly to the cauldron.
  2. Take your cauldron off the flame to add the porcupine quills. Failure to do so will result in the potion emitting a terrible odor and your cauldron melting. When this happens, the compound is known to cause very painful boils.
  3. Now that your cauldron is off the flame, add two porcupine quills to the potion and then return it to the heat.
  4. Wave your wand five times clockwise and ensure that the heat is still at 90°C (194°F).
  5. Let the Potion finish brewing for 17 minutes.

To Finish

  1. Take your cauldron off the flame. The potion should be sky blue in color and will stop steaming as it cools down.
  2. Add Flobberworm mucus (about three measures), and leave to thicken for about five minutes.
  3. Stir the potion with a wooden spoon to ensure it is of a uniform consistency, and then use a funnel to bottle it in a clear glass or crystal phial. Remember to correctly label your phial before storing it.

- By Siruis, Writer

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