Padilla's Cliffs- first draft so it sucks rn
It’s the first day of 10th grade at White Oak in New York. Carlos knows most of the people at his school, but doesn’t have any friends. This year he didn’t plan on making friends, but he considered it. Carlos was picked up by the bus at 7:26, and arrived at the large high school. His black converse wet from the light morning rain.
Last Updated
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
September (monday)
It’s the first day of 10th grade at White Oak in New York. Carlos knows most of the people at his school, but doesn’t have any friends. This year he didn’t plan on making friends, but he considered it. Carlos was picked up by the bus at 7:26, and arrived at the large high school. His black converse wet from the light morning rain. The front doors were held open, and above the way was a banner reading, “Welcome back Huskies”. Beside the door, a poster read, “Good luck football team”. The football team had a game today against the worst team in our section. Wonder how that’ll play out. Carlos passed by his former teachers in the halls. He stopped at the 10th homeroom for his group. Then he saw his new homeroom teacher (he assumed). She had green eyes, and tied up messy auburn brown hair. Her overall appearance resembled that of a fox. She was–
“Carlos? Are you Carlos?” *points at Carlos
“Yes, that's me,” he replied.
“My name is Ms. Luindauski, but you can call me whatever suits you. The curriculum and other handouts regarding this class are on the table beside me.”
Carlos looked around. The impression on this room was clean,but in an unorganised fashion. Bookshelves were full of colourful collections; colour coordinated. Dim fairy lights outlined the board, illuminating with colours of warm white light.
“Okay”, he picks up the hand out. Ms. Luindauski taught arts, musical and drawing, that kind of teacher. Carlos’s teacher began staring into his soul. Carlos had gotten more used to social interaction, but sometimes there were exceptions to general rules, such as a teacher who stares longer than the general 5 seconds.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
“Yeah? Why?”
“You just look kinda shook.” She replies. Why? Was it his rugged appearance, from not sleeping? His eye bags are very pronounced, and the bandages on his arm stick out. “Ya sure kid?” Carlos thinks. He wonders about how many times he’s been asked the same question, and if she even cares. “No, I'm not okay. I’ve had sleep deprivation and depression for two years,” but why say that when he could just say “I’m just tired.”
~ First hour went by like a blur. The students reviewed each other's names and interests, the student guidelines, and classes for the year.
As Carlos Enters second period, he notices the smell immediately. Strong odour of candles. It was strong, but good. The candles smelled of a great pine mixed with flame and smoke. This was biology class. The whiteboard at the front of the large room read, “Sit where you’d like, be back in 5.” Carlos sat in the right corner in the back. When the teacher had arrived, Carlos immediately noticed. A strange anthropomorphic husky (no doubt the mascot) ran into the room, giving everyone high fives. When the husky went all the way around and back to the teacher’s desk, the faux fur costume stripped away to reveal a tall man. He seemed to be in his 40s, with blonde hair and muscular build, not science teacher material. “Hello and greetings, I am your biology teacher for this year. My name is Mr. Smith. Boys, you might know me as Coach Smith, as I’m the head football coach for this year.
“There are some rules to this class. If you wouldn’t do it at your grandma’s, don’t do it here. No cheating, cussing, fighting, bullying. Also, no alcohol, unless your intention is giving me an early birthday present. Anyways, just behave like good kids, follow the student guidelines, and we will get along.”
He clearly isn’t usually a science teacher, which must mean he’s a substitute teacher?
~When it came to the end of the day, Carlos was tired, really tired. He came home to his Father and his cat. He had a calico cat with so much character it was hilarious. Carlos would often sneak it extra food. Carlos had found it as a kitten when he was 10, and named it Soda. Soda the cat was an intellectual type, who loved a good nap and cuddles. She often pondered what her purpose was, or the meaning of life. It’s 42. Just letting ya know. Soda also enjoyed scheming world domination, as one does.
Carlos went over today in his head. What did I say? Was I too quiet? He hoped he would learn to be more social.
“Hey dad? Can I go to the game with some friends?” this would be perfect. If he didn’t know anyone, he just had to put himself in a situation where he would.
“Sure don’t mind, just take the trash on your way out.”
Carlos took his board of choice, Australian penny board, as it would fit in his backpack. The school’s field was a half mile from his house, but he figured if he left soon enough, he would make it. The game starts at 7, that’s what the poster said. Carlos shifts his feet on the board to cruise down a hill. Then, he decided to make a quick detour to the store. If you don’t have friends, food is a good way to go. He skimmed through the aisles, looking for something fast. In the end, he chose a litre of Fanta, and a party size Lay’s. He shoved the plastic bags into his backpack, along with his board. The field was standard. Tall posts illuminated the area. The bleachers were tall and made of metal, 27 rows. Carlos walked to the ticket booth.
“How much? He asked.
”Five dollars, one extra for 50/50” a woman replied.
Carlos gave the woman a five and one, and in return, he received a blue ticket.
‘Good luck’
Carlos stepped through the dewed grass. The sun was shining very bright, as it was setting. Carlos climbed up the metal bleachers, stopping at the top. He hoped someone would talk to him. As the benches started to fill, Carlos looked for anyone from his class.
The football team started running out onto the field, and the pep band blared. The songs the band played were old pop songs or famous hits from the nineties.. Cheerleaders jumped, and the announcer roared. Fans hissed, and cheered. Carlos found a spot on the top, with extra room.
An electric scoreboard lit the clock, showing that warmups lasted for twenty minutes. It was nearly dark out, but it was impossible to tell with the artificial beams and red glares.
With only a few minutes left on the clock, the bleachers started filling up. None of his peers had sat with him, so he settled to drink his soda alone. The game was just about to start. After the national anthem, the starting line was announced, and kickoff started. It was then that Carlos decided he wasn’t going to meet anyone. Feeling unaccomplished, Carlos opened his two litre. The carbonated drink sprayed, soaking his shirt and leaving a sticky residue on his face. He packed his bag, and dashed to the concession stand for a towel.
H-6 G-0
When Carlos had returned, his seat was taken. He was forced to sit on the ground. He found a spot where he could lean against the box building where they record the game (commentator box?). Carlos decided he would stay until half-time since he had paid to watch the game.
When half-time came, both teams ran for the locker rooms, and the commentator talked about this year’s season. The scoreboard read, H-21 G-3
“Now grab your tickets! We will now be doing fifty fifty! The ticket is blue! Here are the numbers, 9-5–9-0-1-5, I’ll say it one more time, 9-5–9-0-1-5” please come to the commentator’s box to check your winning ticket!
Carlos looked at his ticket as the numbers were said. 9-5–9-0-1-5 that’s what his ticket said. Hey! I won! He thought. Carlos ran to the box, opened the door, and climbed up the stairs.
“Looks like we might have a winner folks!
The commentator checks Carlos’s ticket.
“And It’s good!”
Carlos didn’t stay for the second half. Why would he? Instead he rode his board in the dark with his wad of cash.
When Carlos returned home, he found his father watching An NFL game on the screen. He also spotted many empty beer cans on the coffee table.
“How was the game then?” his father asked.
“Good. Think we won” Carlos replied.
Carlos opened his bag, and took out the unopened bag of Lay’s. Carlos opened the cupboard and grabbed a medium bowl to pour the contents. Then, carefully, he set the bowl on the table in front of the couch. He and his father watched mindless commercials until they fell asleep.
End of chapter 1
Chapter 2- (weekend?)
“Dad, I have some extra money for you."
Carlos hands his father the 50/50 prize. His father sets his morning coffee down to take the gift.
“Where did you get all this?”
“Fifty Fifty. Figured you could use it toward bills.
I've been thinking, maybe it's time I get a real job that is more reliable. I know you have yours, but I want you to be able to be home occasionally.”
Carlos fidgets; his leg shaking slightly.
“Well, I think that's a good idea, have any places you're thinking of?”
Carlos picks up the weekly paper, and flips to the classified/ads.
“Here's one I was thinking about,” Carlos points to a small box reading, “Coffee House” “It's perfect! Adjustable schedule, learning on the job, and the pay's decent too!”
Carlos' father nods along as Carlos describes the job.
“The starting wage is -enter not awful $ per hour here-”
“Well,” his father agrees,”if you want this, I support you. It would be nice to have more income in this house, and you'll learn how to make me some of that fancy coffee!” His father grins.
“Sure Dad”
Day of the Interview.
Carlos pulled up google maps on his smartphone before leaving, setting the coordinates for the coffee shop. It was only half a mile from home, so Carlos had chosen his Nickel board; his personal preference. As he glided on the sidewalk, he felt the fresh breeze brushing his hair. This was his favourite thing. Just flying on the sidewalk.(metaphorically of course.)
From the walk he could see the brilliant blue sky, as well as the small shops, old and vibrant. The map indicated a turn. Carlos slowed down, shifted his feet, and leaned a soft turn right. A large downward hill appeared ahead, at the bottom, the coffee house.
This was going to be fun.
“Hi, I’m here for the interview?”
Carlos asked the cashier. Carlos assessed the worker’s dirty blonde hair, tied back in a messy bun.
“Oh, yeah, just take a seat in that booth over there and my manager will be with you in a moment to speak with you.”
“All right, thank you.”
Carlos looked around. The shop had brown rustic seating, with booths on the side, along with independent tables near the centre of the room.
“Could I order something?” Carlos asked, full well knowing he could
“Sure!, what would you like?”
“A Caramel Frap, if you have that.”
“If we have that, try me. We have virtually every kind of coffee.” The cashier said in a mockingly friendly tone.
So, Carlos handed the cashier the money; exact change, $4.11.
Carlos had taken a seat in the booth as he waited for both his beverage, and the manager.
Carlos looked admiringly at the cashier. Perhaps this time in the very near future, I could be their co-worker.
“Hey, here’s your frap.”
the cashier says while handing the drink to Carlos,
“My boss just called in, can’t come today. She asks to be forgiven, as it was such late notice. Family emergency, she said.”
“Oh well, at least I got something out of this visit.” Carlos said, “could I get your name by chance?”
“Sure can, my name’s Bailey, you can call me, um. Bailey. And who are you, might I ask?”
“The name’s Carlos, but,” he said trying not to laugh, “you can call me Carlos.”
to be continued...
(please don't hate this, it's a first draft and my first book)