Forbidden Dark Arts
Personal notes to keep track of what I research, that I decided to share with others who also might be interested in this form of magic since it's censored in alot of books and sources. Mostly Dark Magic, but also whatever I need to take notes on that is non-dark magic. Disclaimer: Some of the potion recpies or incantations are not canon, since in canon they're unknown. So I made them up myself, a.k.a. they're my headcanons, but I'd like it if you used them too. Sources: Harry Potter Wiki, Wizarding World, Lessons in HiH, and random information pieces from social media.
Last Updated
Dark Charms - Jinxes
Chapter 4
Dark charms can be classified into three categories; Jinxes, hexes and curses.
A jinx is identified as minor dark magic, with small inconvenience to the target.
Jinxes are classified as Dark Magic, but they aren't only used by dark wizards. Many normal wizards have used and still us them. Harry Potter, Ron Weasly and Hermonie Granger used them when needed.
The Taboo is a jinx that allowes the caster to track anyone who said a certain word or name. This was notably used by Death Eaters during the Second Wizarding war with the name 'Voldemort' which made people avoid saying his name.
No one really knows for sure where the jinx came from, but it's speculated that Voldemort himself created it, since people were wondering how Death Eaters could track down people.
Canonically, the incantation is unknown. But this is my headcanon:
Prohiverbum (prohi-ver-BUM) - Meaning more or less; 'to ban a word' or 'banned word' (from Latin).
To cast the spell, you would say the incantation and right after that, the word you want to jinx, eg. 'Prohibverbum Voldemort'.
Wand movement: Swing your wand above your head in a circle clockwise, and then swish it downwards towards the ground. The spell is invisible, so it doens't produce any light.
Concentration & willpower; moderate & moderate. The intention, some focus, and some experience with magic should be enough.
Knockback Jinx
It is a jinx often used in duelling or to move heavy items, that knock back the target. The charm will make a bang-sound when casted, and produces red, blue, orange, yellow, white, or purple light.
The incantation is 'Flipendo', pronounced 'fli-PEN-doh'. The word is created by the english words 'flip' and 'end', as in flipping someone to the end.
Wand movement:
Some stronger versions of this jinx are:
Knockback Jinx Duo (twice as powerful). It has the same incantation, but the handmovement is a slash, and it produces only red light.
Flipendo Tria, more powerful than Knockback Jinx Duo, and can target multiple opponents. The incantation is 'Flipendo Tria', hand movement is a downwards slash, and it only produces blue light.
Flipendo Maxima, the most powerful of these. The incantation is 'Flipendo Maxima', the handmovement is the same as Knockback Jinx's, and only produces white light.
Oppugno Jinx
It's a jinx used to use a directed object or individual to attack the victim.
The incntation is 'Oppugno' (oh-PUG-noh). Opuggno means 'I assault' in Latin.
The wand movement is just to point at the target, and this spell is also invicible; it creates no light.
Revulsion Jinx
It's a jinx used to force the target to let go of whatever it is holding. It can be used on animate or inanimate objects, as long as the target is holding something.
The incantation is 'Relashio' (ruh-LASH-ee-oh). It comes from some Mediterranean language, but it's unknown exactly which one it originates from, since their word for 'release' are all similar.
Wand movement:
It produces purple or gold light.