Diaries of a Hogwarts Student.
This book shows the journey of a Hogwarts student as they spend time in Hogwarts making friends (And enemies). Read along as they uncover many secrets inside Hogwarts. Book is being Updated OWL me if you want more Chapters.
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Chapter Five: Felix Evercreech
Chapter 5
Dear Diary,
Ever since the sorting ceremony I havent been able to keep my mind off Felix, Why was he staring at me? Why cant i get my mind off of him?
I decide to speak to my best friend Hariette she is the Gossiper of the Wizarding World She knows EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING!
I ask Harriette about Felix Evercreech and his Wizarding Family it turns out his family are from a long line of evil wizards who have conqured of villages and towns throughout the world.
But not everyone folows in the footsteps of their anscestors right?
i dont know what to do, Harriette says that i should forget about him and continue studying and working hard but that is physically impossible for me to do...