Charms Year One Notes
written by Desiree Crow
This is my notes on Year One of Charms. Most of them are highlighted and shortened to make sense to me. Green is for terms and blue is to either define the word or to explain further. To see my slide presentation:
Last Updated
Lesson Four: Words and Their Power
Chapter 4
- The earliest known alphabet is known as the Phoenician Alphabet. This alphabet dates back to at least 1050 B.C.E.
- Later iterations, such as the Greek, Latin, and later English alphabets, contain specific symbols for the vowels.
- In the early Latin text, the letter 'V' was used as both a consonant and a vowel, while 'U' was only adopted much later to represent the unique 'U' sound.
- The important thing to understand is that we still use the same alphabet developed three millennia ago with relatively minimal changes. Sure the shapes of the letters and their exact pronunciations may have changed, but most Phoenician letters can still be directly linked to their modern-day counterparts.
- Incantations are almost always one or two words long. Most incantations we will cover have Latin origins and originate within Europe.
- Latin is one of the oldest known languages that we have a fairly comprehensive grasp of. Most European languages descend from Latin in some form, and even many English words have Latin roots, though there are some exceptions.
- It's also important to understand why an incantation requires precise pronunciation to be effective.
- Sometimes mispronunciations result in nothing happening, and sometimes there's only a minor mishap such as a small bang or backfire, but there are times when being even slightly off can result in completely unintended consequences such as explosions.
The Fire-Making Charm:
- The word "incendio" in Latin literally means "fire," and several other languages derived from Latin also use the word without modification. Having said that, the Fire-Making Charm is also a spell that will mature as you continue in your studies and develop your focus. The Fire-Making Charm is one of the oldest-known spells.
- Incantation: Incendio (‘in-SEN-dee-oh’)
- Wand Movement: Curved flick up and down (as a flame)
- Willpower: Low to very high depending on the distance of the target and the difficulty of igniting the target.
- Concentration: Less needed for a simple light, more needed for a continuous stream of fire. On the target to be ignited.
The Locomotion Charm:
- This charm, which can be slightly confusing, is not actually a "flight" charm. While the object it affects appears to "fly," in reality it is simply hovering a few inches above the ground. The true purpose of the Locomotion Charm is to move the target from one place to another. It is the combination of two words from ancient Latin. "Loco" means place or location, while "motor" means to move.
- Incantation: Locomotor (‘LOH-koh-moh-tor’)
- Wand Movement: Full circle with an upward flick toward the target at the end, then pointed where the object should go.
- Willpower: Moderate to very high, depending on the distance and weight of the object.
- Concentration: Minimal concentration should be maintained on the target object.