Going to Hogwarts
Just a novella on Stygian Hippogriff going to Hogwarts...
Last Updated
The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3
"You want me to what? Walk through the wall?" Stygian protested for the millionth time. Was she seriously supposed to walk through the wall between platform 9 and 10? This was stupid.
Her mother just laughed. "Well, how else are you supposed to get to platform 9 3/4? Ha!"
Stygian closed her eyes and opened them again, only to find that her mum had vanished. Stygian gaped, before quickly setting her jaw back into place. She sighed. This was a terrible, terrible idea, but there was no other place her mother could have gone.
So Stygian wheeled her trolley around, right before sprinting, head-first, into the wall.
She had expected to find herself unconcious, maybe on the floor. But instead.. she found herself on a platform. Platform 9.. and 3/4!
People buzzed busily around her, children wheeling trolleys packed with bags, books and pets. Her mother was standing in front of her, smiling, giving her I told you so look. Which was not really smug, but Stygian still found herself rolling her eyes.
"Well, I suspect that you can do the rest from here-" Her mother started.
"Wait, mum! You're just gonna leave me on the train? Aren't you coming with me?"
"Well, no.. That's not how it works." Her mother said, her voice breaking slightly.
Stygian finally realised that she was going to miss her mother. Under all her excitement, doubt and nerves she hadn't really realised she would have to say goodbye to her mother.
But it was all over in a second; her mother was hugging her and whispering hurried goodbyes.
Does she want to leave me?
But that thought faded away as soon as it had come. Fen Hippogriff was walking away, blowing a handkerchief.
Stygian stood awkwardly with her trolley- what was she supposed to do? Bursts of loneliness exploded inside her, and she was feeling a little upset. She dared herself not to cry.
Instead, she took a deep breath, and stepped inside the Hogwarts Express.