Potions Notes - Year 1
written by Ivy GreenBriar
Collection of notes from the first year Potions Class
Last Updated
Lesson 3: It's a Kind of Magic (Tools and Brewing)
Chapter 2
- Cauldron
- Made of three main materials
- Pewter
- All students should have a size 2 Pewter Cauldron
- Slowest and cheapest material
- Metal alloy traditionally 85% tin with copper, bismuth, antimony, and occasionally lead making up the other parts
- First piece of found pewter was found in an Egyptian tomb From 1450 BCE
- Brass
- Brews potions at a medium speed
- Good for intermediate witches and wizards
- Aproximately 10% faster brewing than pewter
- Alloy of zinc and copper
- Copper
- Fastest brewing cauldron
- Approx. 10% faster than Brass
- For skilled witches and wizards
- Not an alloy but rather a pure element
- Should not be used for potions with the longest brew times
- Copper has been used for thousands of years
- Pewter
- Other materials like gold and silver are occasionally used
- Made of three main materials
- Other materials found at your brewing station
- Set of scales
- Measuring cups
- Ruler for solids
- Sharp Knife
- Cutting Board
- Mortar and Pestle
- Stirring Utensil - wand (should never be placed directly in the potion)
- Standard measure is a standardized unit of volume and is 40 mL of material
- Always have cauldron cleaner on hand and clean after each use
- Clean all implements after as well
- Following directions
- Prepare your ingredients beforehand and have them organized
- Cauldron should be heated
- Ingrediants must be added in the correct order
- The proper reactions may not occur otherwise
- Stir by holding over the cauldron and say the incantation stirring the correct direction
- Estimated Brew Time (EBT) is the active time spent brewing
- Storing potions
- Typically done in glass or crystal phials
- If a potion needs additional time to settle this will be under the Total Brew Time (TBT)
- Most detailed recipe books will indicate how long a potion can be stored
- Always label your phials with the potion's name, ingredients, effects, date brewed, expiration date, usage, and any warnings about allergies or side effects