Charms Journal and Notes - Year 1
My charms class journal and notes for the Year 1 class
Last Updated
Lesson 4: Words and Their Power
Chapter 3
- Alphabets
- Phoenician Alphabet is the oldest from 1050 BCE
- Did not contain vowels
- Later alphabets like Latin and Greek did
- Incantations
- Most have Latin origins
- Fire-Making Charm
- incendio in Latin means fire
- Do not take this spell lightly
- One of the oldest-known spells
- Requires a fair bit of willpower and concentration
- Locomotion Charm
- "loco" means place or location while "motor" means to move
Incantation: Incendio (‘in-SEN-dee-oh’)
Wand Movement: Curved flick up and down (as a flame)
Willpower: Low to very high depending on the distance of the target and the difficulty of igniting the target.
Concentration: Less needed for a simple light, more needed for a continuous stream of fire. On the target to be ignited.
Incantation: Locomotor (‘LOH-koh-moh-tor’)
Wand Movement: Full circle with an upward flick toward the target at the end, then pointed where the object should go.
Willpower: Moderate to very high, depending on the distance and weight of the object.
Concentration: Minimal concentration should be maintained on the target object.