Charms Journal and Notes - Year 1

written by Ivy GreenBriar

My charms class journal and notes for the Year 1 class

Last Updated






Lesson 2: Spellcasting Basics

Chapter 1

  • No one knows where our magical ability comes from

  • Possible for a witch or wizard to be a Squib - someone with no magical ability

  • Pure-bloods are witches and wizards with no muggles in their bloodline

  • Half-blood is someone with one magical and one non-magical parent

  • Muggle-born is someone who is born to muggle parents and is several generations removed from a magical ancestor

  • Intention and will matter

  • Your magic flows through your veins


  • Flight Charms

    • Wingardium Leviosa

      • The Levitation Charm

      • Invented by Jarleth Hobart

      • Can move objects left, right, up, and down

      • Can lift items heavier then you but requires effort

      • Start the "Swish" movement as you say Wingardium and finish it before saying Leviosa

      • Start the "Flick" when you finish saying Leviosa

    • Hover Charm

      • Requires you to be touching the object 

      • Allows you to move the object it is cast on up and down

    • Rocket Charm

      • Does not require you to be touching your target

      • Propels an object straight up and then back down

    • Floating Charm

      • Can target a distant object

      • Involves controlled vertical movement

      • Objects can only be levitated a few feet up

      • Cannot be directed any way other than up and down

Spell Blocks Provided By Professor Virneburg

Hover Charm
 Levioso (lev-ee-O-so)
Wand Movement: Inward spiral then upward flick
Willpower: Moderate; determines how heavy of an object can be lifted.
Concentration: None

Rocket Charm
Incantation: Alarte Ascendare (A-lar-tay a-SEN-day-ray)
Wand Movement: Quick swish
Willpower: High; determines how high the object will ascend before falling
Concentration: None

Floating Charm
Fluito (floo-EE-toe)
Wand Movement: Jab then upward flick
Willpower: High to very high depending on weight and distance of target
Concentration: Moderate; should be maintained on target object

Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa)
Wand Movement: Swish and flick
Willpower: Low; Visualize your energy coming from your body and lifting the object.
Concentration: Moderate; on the thing you want to levitate

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