Defense Against the Dark Arts Notes - Year 1
Notes from the first year of Defense Against the Dark Arts
Last Updated
Leson 2: Bright Lights and A Little Revealer
Chapter 1
- Components of Spellcasting
- Concentration:
- Is also referred to as focus
- Mental process of channeling your magic on a specific target to accomplish an effect
- Partially done through incantation
- Primarily done by thinking about what you want the spell to achieve or the effect to be
- Willpower:
- Magical force you exert to make the spell happen
- Most spells require at least some level of willpower
- Mental force has to be exerted to make a spell work
- Wand Movement:
- Helps to channel the magical energy in and around them
- Some are simple, others are complex
- After time, you can learn to cast spells without their specific movements
- Incantation:
- Words said to cast a spell
- Are extremely important to spellcasting
- Concentration:
- The Verdimillious Charm
- Offensive spell
- Creates a temporary light source which reveales items hidden by dark magic
- Pronunciation: Verdimillious (vur-duh-MILL-ee-us)
- When cast offensively, green sparks are shot from the tip of your wand
- Slight stinging sensation will occur
- Wand movement: forward slash that ends pointing at your opponent
- Illumination version will shoot out a green light which explodes in a bright green flash
- Will create a quick outline of items hidden by dark magic
- Wand movement: circular movement over your head while concentrating on the effect and exerting a small amount of willpower
- The Revealing Charm
- Two different variants
- Used to reveal secret messages
- Pronunciation: Aparecium (ah-par-EH-see-um)
- Focus on the effect and push a little willpower
- Wand Movement: Tap the object you wish to reveal
- Hidden writing, if it exists on the paper, will glow purple and reveal itself
- This lasts for five minutes
Spell Blocks Provided By Professor Penrose
Spell: The Verdimillious Charm (offensive version)
Incantation: Verdimillious (vur-duh-MILL-ee-us)
Wand Movement: A forward slash the ends pointing at the target
Concentration: Low - focus on the effect
Willpower: Low
Effect: Green sparks will shoot out of the wand and fly towards the target and sting them
Spell: The Verdimillious Charm (illumination version)
Incantation: Verdimillious (vur-duh-MILL-ee-us)
Wand Movement: A circular motion above your head aimed at nothing
Concentration: Low - focus on the effect
Willpower: Low - More willpower can slightly extend the duration of the light
Effect: Green sparks will fly upward and explode, filling the area with green light and reveal
objects hidden by Dark magic
Spell: The Revealing Charm
Incantation: Aparecium (ah-par-EH-see-um)
Wand Movement: Tap the target object
Concentration: Low - focus on the effect
Willpower: Low - Can use more willpower to “charge” the spell and make it last longer
Effect: Nothing if there is no hidden text. If there is hidden text, the words will glow purple for a
few seconds before looking normal. The message will conceal itself after about five minutes.