Book of Magic Spells
This is a book of spells listed alphabetically. It includes not only the incantation for the spell but also the type of spell it is, the pronunciation of the spell and the description of what the spell does. It includes all the spells in the wizarding world. Please use it wisely.
Last Updated
Spells With Incantations Beginning with M
Chapter 23
Type: Jinx
Pronunciation: Meh-loe-fors
Description: Encases the victim's head in a pumpkin.
Meteolojinx Recanto
Type: Counter-Charm
Pronunciation: Mee-tee-oh-loh-jinks Reh-can-toh
Description: Causes weather effects caused by jinxes to cease.
Type: Curse
Pronunciation: Mim-bull-wim-bull
Description: Ties the target's tongue in a knot, preventing them from talking.
Type: Charm
Pronunciation: Mo-bil-kee-ar-bus
Description: Levitates wooden objecets a few inches oof the ground and moves them in any direction.
Type: Charm
Pronunciation: Moh-bil-lee-cor-pus
Description: Levitates and moves bodies in any direction.
Type: Charm
Pronunciation: Mull-ee-ar-ay
Description: Produces an invisible cushion over the target.
Mucus Ad Nauseam
Type: Curse
Pronunciation: Myoo-kus Ahd Naw-zee-um
Description: Gives the victim a nasty cold and an extremely runny nose that can cause the victim to collapse if it is not treated.
Type: Charm
Pronunciation: Muf-lee-ah-to
Description: Prevents others from hearing nearby conversations by filling people's ears with a buzzing noise.
Type: Transfiguration: Mul-tee-cor-fors
Description: Used to change the color and style of the target's clothing.
Type: Dark Charm
Pronunciation: Morz-mor-druh
Description: Conjures the Darj Mark.
Mutatio Skullus
Type: Dark Charm
Pronunciation: Myoo-tay-toh Skull-us
Description: Mutates the victim's head, causing them to grow extra heads.