this book has all kinds of information about the magical creature, centaurs and all kinds of things!
Last Updated
Chapter 1
Hi im lillyanna, im in griffendor and im a first year! this is my book about centaurs.
The centaurs come from greek mythology and are some of the most famous. Centaurs are half man half horse beings repersenting a sertain stage between human civilization and nature. The ancients made it look like they are barbarians who were unable to control their primeval instincts.
In greek mythology, Centaurs (or Kentauroi is another name)their taritory is themontains and forests (there are some in the dark forest) of thessaly. Centaurs were said to be prmal, existing in tribesand makeing their homes out of caves, hunting wild pray and arming themselfs with rocks and tree branches (spears). There are a whole lot of origens and myths surrounding centaurs. Centaurs are creatures that repersent chaos and barbarism, their likeness and prolivitly for troble (problems) were offten discribed in greek sculpture, myths, stories,and pottary.