COMC notes
NOTE: These notes alone won't get you an E or O, you do need to look over the actual lesson. Use these notes as a study tool for study or completing OPEN book quizzes.
Last Updated
Kleurvolle Voël
Chapter 8
Fwoopers are exotic birds which come in many colours. The strange sounds they make can drive people insane, so they require a monthly silencing charm. Fwoopers range from 12-15 inches tall with bright orange feet. They eat seeds. Baby Fwoopers are called Fwicks and grow into squeakers before becoming an adult. Breeding with similar colours is always recommended. In order to own a Fwooper, a liscence is required due to their XXX classification. Their feathers are used for quills and can be plucked every three months. Fwooper eggs can be used for decoration. Females lay one egg per week and are considered a delicacy in some Eauropean wizarding counties, such as Romania.