Abigail Lestrange
written by Abigail Lestrange
You have all heard of Bellatrix Lestrange but did you know she had a daughter....
This is a finished book!
Be sure to read my next book Abigail Lestrange year two. Coming soon
Last Updated
The Birth Of Abigail
Chapter 2
When Abigail made Voldemort very happy.This made him upset. He didn't like being happy. So he left Bellatrix so it wouldn't happen again. Bellatrix later that day was murdered by Molly Weasley. The Malfoy's took little Abigail in. Draco Malfoy was kind of like a brother but not a nice one. Abigail never met her mother but Narcissa Malfoy her mothers sister was motherly and told Abigail about her mother.