Alchemy Notes For Beginners
Aka Alchemy Notes for the Struggling Alchemist. These are the Notes I have taken to ensure I pass Alchemy Year 2 with a high grade, and I've posted them so you don't have to take them down if you don't want too.
Last Updated
Lesson 1: Introduction To Alchemy
Chapter 1
What exactly is Alchemy? -Many scholars and Alchemists have stated this definition multiple times. "Alchemy is a branch of magic that assists the Witch or Wizard in transmuting base metals into noble metals."
Base Metals - Any type of element that could easily corrode when oxygen is present.
Noble Metals - The exact opposite of base metals. Noble metals are relatively hard to find. When a noble metal meets oxygen it is highly resistant to corrosion.
The Four Aspects - Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.
The Seven Planetary Aspects.
Three Primes.