2nd Year: The Girl of Mystery
This year Nadia and Co are back for another crazy year at Hogwarts. Will they all make it through alive? Written by Andromeda Riddle and Luna stars. Disappointly the front cover does not work
Last Updated
New Year
Chapter 1
Nadia couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts. She had spent the whole summer holidays with Nia sulking and mysteriously all of her favourite things turn up in Nia's room mostly under her bed. She had also approached her at the very end of the Summer term and asked
"Please come around with me this term. Our groups powerful you know you don't have to round with Aaliyah, Rose and Andromeda now even if you did lat year."
Go away had been her response. Now Nadia and Nia and all of their friends were returning to Hogwarts for lessons, friends and enemies and most importantly revenge.Mrs Climate was moving along the station with the children, near the Hogwarts Express. Andromeda, Zosia and Aaliyah were walking near her, until they caught sight of Rose, Nadia and Nia. Angelina, Valdis and Aries were in a deep conversation with Nia and Willow, occasionally shooting glares at the others. Nadia was chatting happily to Rose, who waved to Andromeda who called hurride godbyes and ran to embrace her friends
"I'm sure NOBODY could have done such a horrid thing as that."
Nadia smiled seeing Zosia's uncomfortable expression. They boarded the train making sure their opposite sides to each other.
"Hey. Did you just see what happened outside?" She exclaimed. Zosia raised her eyebrows. This was Reena Marecey, who always admired the gang last year. She understood that this outburst wasn't polite, especially to her "hero's".
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean...outside, you know..." She finished lamely. Then, with a kind nod, she ran out. A slim figure entered through the unlocked door. It was a girl with a mane of black, straight hair and her eyes were like the clouds and thunder, storming away in her serene eyes. Without permission to sit here, she sat down and began fumbling in her bag for a book.
"And you are?"
The girl looked up from her bag, shrugged and continued searching. Angelina was a naturally nosy girl. She wanted to know who this impolite girl was
"You are?" She asked raising her voice slightly.
"Is it true?" Asked Mary, "What you just did to Emma?" Natalia nodded.
"Wow," Loura breathed, gaping at her. "Well, that was so good! Anyway, so sorry for intruding!" They all smiled again and disapeared.
"What on earth did you do?" Whispered Nia eyes wide "Was it really bad?"
"Emma Jorkins from the fifth year was annoying me. I used a non-verbal spell to make her full of boils. Slytherins should live up to their reputation - I'm 100% going there. You are already in that house, I gather by your ties. Emma is a filthy, muggle-born girl. Surely you agree?" She said, her eyes dancing with enjoyment.
"Non- verbal did you say? As a first year? That is impressive. What about you join our army? Too avenge 4 girls. Andromeda, Rose, Nadia and Aaliyah." Muttered Angelina frowning at Nia. Nia knew what this meant.
"Oh please do! We would simply love having such a powerful girl in our army!" Implored Nia making her eyes hopeful and appealing
"Army? Targeting four people? And, I will say Thank you, I did read all the books in the holidays and got another bag full for extra background reading. But...wouldn't it be more effective to have it targeting several people...muggle-borns for instance? As well as others who stand so passionatly on Dumby's side." Natalia was already dressed in her robes and Angelina noticed that they were darker then most.
"Yes that would be fantastic. But may I ask why are you wearing such dark robes?"
"I went to Durmstrang before, It will be fascinating to study from a different angle."
"Oh! I used to go Durmstrang too! I must admit I preferred it there but I wouldn't have been in an army If I hadn't had come so really I'm not complaining!"
But she was. Hogwarts drew Aaliyah and her apart. Now, she could take a stand!
"I still don't know you very well. Could you talk about yourself?" She asked, her eyes were burning with curiosity, it seem
"I'm a slytherin pureblood evil and I have a huge grudge against several people. I caused someone I disliked to expelled which is my plan for Andromeda Rose Aaliyah and Nadia.