Helpful curses and jinxes
written by Antha Esperance
Curses, jinxes and spells made by Antha Esperance that are helpful in many situastions.
Last Updated
One; jinxes
Chapter 1
Bubbleo; traps target in impenitrible bubble, grows and shrinks on casters command.
Baluckaduck; turns target into a duck for thirty seconds, then gives them bad luck for a week.
Hopeo; makes target hope for something that will never happen, then realizes it and cries.
Animaleo; makes target only be able to make animal sounds for up to a week(casters choice)
Coldeo; makes target have whatever sickness target wants for up to a week(also works on yourself if you point your wand at you. If you do it on yourself it can stay for up to three weeks)
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more coming soon
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