Lumos Inc.
A new group/club that will allow people to share their ideas, love for hp, and many other interesting things. We will also have some fun challenges and competitions. [More info inside]
Last Updated
Group Info
Chapter 1
Hello there! I see you are interested in joining the group 'Lumos Inc.' And you might be asking yourself, "What is Lumos Inc.?"
Well, my friend, Lumos Inc. is a place to make new friends, share your ideas, rp, and we will be holding challenges and competitions once enough people join.
Now I know what you're thinking, "WHY should I join Lumos. Inc though?"
Well that's an easy question to answer, upon joining the group you will be able to participate in many different events, and competitions here in this group. Winners of certain competitions may get a follow, a custom pfp, or header, and maybe as far to say they may win a custom backstory. Also, each month we will be choosing someone to represent their house in competitions.
If you have any qestions/concerns please owl Andrea NIghtshade.