Second Years Guide to Ace Alchemy: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for ALCH-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
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Alchemy Glossary
Chapter 1
Aditus ⊱ The start of the transitional phase & lasts the whole process. Also known as the beginning.
Aether ⊱ Matter that fills the universe over the earth. Some alchemists believe this should be added to the Four Aspects. It demonstrates how light moves around & gravity.
Alloy ⊱ A mixture of a metal & an element.
Alphabet of the Magi ⊱ Carving angelic names into stone. Used to enchant objects.
Amalgamation ⊱ A blend of silver & gold.
Anu ⊱ Another word for atom. Atoms are impossible to separate, everlasting, & undetectable to the eye. Atoms that are the same can combine together to make a group of two or three atoms.
Aqua Regia ⊱ Royal water.
Barathri ⊱ When the transitional phase is over. Also known as the abyss.
Base Metals ⊱ Elements that can be destroyed with oxygen.
Binary Molecular Compound ⊱ Compounds which are created with two non-metal elements.
Chemical Nomenclature ⊱ Rules to list the names of chemical compounds.
Classical Planets ⊱ The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, & Saturn.
Colloidal Gold ⊱ A delay of nanoparticles in fluids. Gold particles are unable to be resolved.
Conjunctio ⊱ Connected by a mystical marriage.
Crucible ⊱A case that can be used to change or melt a metal. Elements such as aluminum, silver, brass, & gold can be melted.
Element ⊱ A chemical substance that is formed by a particular type of atom.
Elixir of Life ⊱ Increases life as long as it is drunk often.
Essencier ⊱ A tank filled with essential oil & water.
Four Aspects ⊱ These are the stable elements that are common knowledge. They include Earth, Water, Fire, & Air.
Great Work ⊱ Phases Nigredo, Albedo, Citrinitas, & Rubedo. Also known as the Magnum Opus.
Hemoglobins ⊱ Proteins that hold iron.
Homunculus ⊱ A tiny human or creature. A synthetic revival of humans.
Hydrochloric Acid ⊱ A solution made up of hydrogen chloride & water. It is odorless & colorless.
International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry ⊱ Also known as IUPAC. Created in 1919 & known for standardizing nomenclature.
Laudanum ⊱ An elixir that can decrease pain in the nineteenth century.
Moon Rabbit ⊱ A Chinese tale about a rabbit that lives on the Moon. The rabbit is said to be afriend of the Moon goddess, Chang'e. The rabbit would use a mortar & pestle to create the Elixir of Life.
Mullite ⊱ An aluminum silicate created by a form of clay.
Noble Metals ⊱ Elements that can't be easily destroyed with oxygen.
Nuclear Transmutation ⊱ Metals of a certain atomic weight will break apart from radioactive decoy & alter into lead.
Ouroboros ⊱ A snake or a dragon biting its tail. This is a symbolism of continuous life & death by destroying & re-creating life on its own.
Oxidation ⊱ A decrease in electrons & an increase in oxygen particles.
Panacea ⊱ A potion which restored health & lengthened life.
Philosopher's Stone ⊱ A substance that can turn metal into gold, cure sicknesses, & can be used for the Elixir of Life. This stone can also bring back dead plants, turn crystals into diamonds, produce everlasting lamps, produce supple glass, & produce a homunculus.
Philosopher's Wool ⊱ Burned zinc. Also known as Nix alba or white snow.
Platinum Group ⊱ Comprised of platinum, iridium, ruthenium, osmium, palladium, & rhodium.
Rasavadom ⊱ A subdivision of alchemy.
Reduction ⊱ An increase in electrons & a decrease in oxygen particles.
Seven Planetary Aspects ⊱ These are physical planets as well as spiritual.
Theory of Innovations ⊱ A thesis believing that Sarus Ignus did not have evidence of Panacea being real. This was written by Tyrus Smith.
Three Primes ⊱ These links us to the universe & it shapes who we are. Also known as tria prima. It consists of sulphur, mercury, & salt.
Transitional ⊱ When one planet's characteristics transfers to another. Also known as medio.
Transitional Period ⊱ Also known as TP. Between one to thirty-one days.
Vaisheshkia ⊱ One of six orthodox Hindu schools in India.
Vaisheshkia Sutra ⊱ The common language used at the Vaisheshika Hindu school.
Vark ⊱ A fancy foil that can be eaten, though it is also silver.
Wandlore ⊱ The study of wands.
Zhou Dynasty ⊱ – Lasted from 1046 B.C.E. to 256 B.C.E., which is the most long term dynasty in China. Confucianism & Taoism were founded in this dynasty.