Magic: Charms And Spells For Everyday Use

[Warning: Some of this is not canon, but is adhering to general canon-based rules]

Have you ever wanted to have a charm that makes you more beautiful? A spell, perhaps, to make your brooms do the sweeping themselves? Or maybe one to refill your cup without you having to get up? Magic: Charms and Spells for Everyday Use is a comprehensive, alphabetical list on how to cast 60 spells, with their incantations, pronunciations, wand movements and uses all included.

Last Updated






60 Spells And How To Cast Them

Chapter 2

Here's the list of 60 spells you won't remember not using after you learn them.

  • Amplifying SpellSonorus (SAWN-o-russ), touch wand to target. Amplifies the sounds
    coming from the target, can be used instead of a megaphone.
  • Animating SpellRes Momentum (REZ mo-MEN-tuh’m), tap the target with wand. The
    object does what you wish it to, but its first few times may not be very
    successful, as the more it does the task the better it gets at doing it.
  • Atmosphere Charm*Tempestas Mutato (tem-PESS-tass moo-TAH-toe), point wand and draw
    circle. Can be used to  change the
    weather in a small area. Became a problem in the Ministry of Magic after two of
    these charms malfunctioned and rained in peoples’ offices.
  • Bandaging CharmFerula (feh-RULE-ah), two vertical (left to right then right to
    left) swishes over injury. Best used for broken bones, torn muscles and ripped
    tendons that cannot be healed with
    (see below).
  • Banishing CharmDepulso (dee-PULSE-oh), swish wand. Removes the target from the
    immediate area.
  • Beauty Charm* - Perfecta Specio (per-FEH’CK-tah SPEE-see-oh), tap wand against
    target. A charm that makes you appear more beautiful to everyone, for a limited
    Caution: Do not use in the presence
    of Muggles.
  • Bird-Conjuring CharmAvis (Ay-viss), draw two loops. Is used to summon whatever bird you
    wish from its natural habitat to you, then it goes back once you are finished
    with the spell.
  • Boggart-Repelling SpellRiddikulus (rid-ICK-you-luss), jab wand at target. Works best when
    you are thinking of something humorous; the Boggart appears in a way which
    seems funny, undoing the creature’s fear-inducing capabilities.
  • Bouquet-Making SpellOrchideous (or-KID-ee-uss), hold wand. Makes a bouquet sprout from
    the tip of the wand. Often used when forgetting a birthday or anniversary.
  • Cheering Charm* - Beatio (BEE-tea-oh), draw a shallow U shape, like a smile. Makes
    the target unfailingly happy when cast correctly. If overdone, the target
    bursts out into a fit of hysteric giggles until the spell wears off.
  • Chest-Opening Charm - Cistem Aperio (SIS-teh’m ah-PEAR-eeoh), point wand at target.
    Unlocks and opens any target chests, but just breaks the lock and hinges when overdone.
  • Cleaning Charm* - Laventurus (lah-ven-TURE-uss), point wand at target. Gets rid of
    all dirt, dust and unappealing stains on the target.
  • Clothing Colour-Changing CharmMulticorfors (mull-tea-COR-fours), swish
    wand over target. Changes the colour of the target clothing.
  • Colour-Changing CharmColovaria (coll-oh-VAR-ee-ah), point wand at target. Works best on
    hair. Often used to prank people while they are sleeping.
  • Concealing Charm* - Dissimularus (diss-sim-you-LAR-uss), point wand at target. Makes
    the target invisible and undetectable by most means, including any magical
    properties, except the
    charm, the
    Homenum Revelio charm and
    Secrecy Sensors. Can be permanently cast on objects such as the fabled Cloak of
    Invisibility. (Also, if you are an enemy, then you can be revealed by
    Cave Inicium.)
  • Containment Charm* - Introitus (in-TROY-tuss), draw a line between the target and the
    container. Contains the first object inside the second, often used for runaway
    creatures such as Boggarts.
  • Enemy-Revealing Charm - Cave Inimicium (CAH-vay in-ee-MISS-see-um), skyward flourish. A
    charm that can be used in protective spell barriers, it reveals any enemies
    that may be hiding and get touched by the spell. Useful against
  • Engorgement CharmEngorio (en-GORE-gee-oh), jab wand at target and flick up. Makes
    the target grow. When cast incorrectly, this can make it not grow very much if
    putting too little effort in or too large if overdoing it.
  • Eradication SpellDeletrius (duh-LEE-tree-uss), draw a circle around the target.
    Disintegrates the target.
  • Erecting CharmErecto (eh-REH’CK-toe), swish wand upwards. Puts up tents,
    gazeboes, etc.
  • Explosion Spell - Bombarda/Bombarda Maxima (bomm-BARR-dah MAH’CK-sih-mah), jab wand at target. Makes an explosion
    where the caster points their wand.
    is a more powerful version than the original.
  • Feather-Light Charm* – Levisioso
    (leh-vih-see-OH-soh), draw an S shape over the target. Makes the target lighter
    and easier to carry as long as the spell is active.
  • Fire Charms
    • Incendio (in-SEN-dee-oh), slow upward arc and jab at target. Used more
      for moving flames that can be directed by the wand.
    • Lacarnum Inflamare (lah’ck-ARE-num in-flam-ARE-eh), slow upward arc and point at
      target. More often used for close range flames in short bursts, like for
      lighting a candle.
  • Floating CharmFluito (flue-EE-toe), jab wand at target then upward flick. Has
    little benefits over
    Wingardium Leviosa,
    as it can only move a target up and down a few feet in the air.
  • Gluing CharmEpoximise (eh-poh’cks-im-EE-say), draw an X over the target
    (already where you want it to be glued). Useful for sticking things into books.
    It is not permanent, however, and is therefore better for posters than
    Infinte Angulumus (see below).
  • Gripping Charm*Confortanus (cohn-four-TAHN-uss), downward swish towards target.
    Makes the target easier to grip and hold.
  • Head Bubble Charm* - Caput Nitio (kah-PUHT NEE-tea-oh), point wand at target. This
    creates a bubble around the face that can be used to breathe underwater, in
    climates with less air or through dungbombs. Witches and wizards with bad
    breath beware.
  • Healing CharmEpiskey (eh-PISS-key), draw a circle around the injury. Used to
    heal minor injuries, such as small broken bones (toes, fingers, noses) or small
  • Hover CharmLevioso (leh-vee-OH-soh), draw an inwards spiral then flick up. Not
    to be confused with
    Levisioso. This
    is even worse than
    Fluito, only
    letting the target hover a few feet above the ground without moving.
  • Human Presence-Revealing Spell – Homenum Revelio
    (HOH-men-uhm reh-VELL-ee-oh), swish wand over area to be revealed. Good if you
    are keeping a secret, this spell alerts the caster to any humans that touch the
  • Inflating JinxInflatus (in-FLAY-tuss), draw an outwards spiral. Often used by
    school students to pester their peers. The size of the inflation depends on the
    size of the spiral that is drawn.
  • Levitating Charm Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um lehv-ee-OH-sah), swish and flick
    downwards. The closest magic has come to flying, it lets the caster move the
    object anywhere in the air, but it cannot be used on humans. The spell has been
    known to set the target on fire (and even cause a small explosion) when cast
  • Lifting Charm Ascendio (ah-SEN-dee-oh), point wand upwards. Shoots the caster
    into the air, useful for getting out of water quickly.
  • Lighting CharmBaubillious (boh-BILL-ee-uss), point wand. Sends a bolt of
    lightning from the wand tip to wherever it is pointing. Will
    always go in a straight line.
  • Locomotion CharmLocomotor (loh-koh-MOH-tor), point wand at target. Allows the
    caster to move the target by directing it with their wand.
  • Mending CharmReparo (reh-PAH-roh), draw an inwards spiral with the size
    depending on the object. Will only piece together the fragments of the broken
    object that the caster can see. It works best when using it for repairing
    shattered/ripped items, dents and scratches not being fixed as well as pieces,
    and the charm does not work on metal objects very well – the closer to the time
    of breaking, the better. Multiple casts of the spell on one object will damage
    the structural soundness.
  • Momentum Stopping Spell - Arresto Momentum (ah-RESS-toe moh-MEN-tuhm), wave wand. Stops the
    target moving, useful for avoiding crashes and/or falls.
  • Moving Charm Mobilarbus (moh-bill-ARE-buss), point wand at target. Similar to Locomotor, but slightly more powerful.
  • Muffling Charm Muffliato (muff-lee-AH-toe), draw a small X over target. This makes
    the target’s ears fill with white noise so they cannot hear any conversations
    going on around them. It can also be used on objects, so that whoever passes by
    the target hears white noise. Often found on broom cupboard doors.
  • Permanent Sticking Charm* - Infinte Angulumus (in-finn-EE-tay
    aang-you-LOO-muss), tap the corners of the object. Permanently sticks two
    objects together, or one to the other. Infuriates parents and guardians who
    find that their children have used this on posters; it is probably a better
    idea to use
  • Pyrography CharmFlagrate (flah-GRAH-tay), draw desired shape over target. Burns the
    drawn shape into the target. Saying the incantation slowly gives more time for
    a design to be drawn, but it is still limited, so it is more often used with
    non-verbal magic, similar to
  • Refilling Charm* – Adimpleus (ah-DIM-plea-uss),
    swish upwards at target. Refills any container with what it previously
    contained; it must be empty before using the spell.
  • Rocket CharmAlarte Ascendare (ah-LAR-tay ah-sen-DAHR-ray), quick swish of the
    wand at the end of the spell. Is possibly the most useless of the attempted
    flying charms, sending the target shooting into the air for a small amount of
    time, heavier objects going less high.
  • Sealing CharmColloportus (coll-oh-POUR-tuss), two horizontal strokes and two vertical
    strokes. Seals an object so that it can only be opened from the inside, leaving
    many ignorant witches and wizards without their most valuable possessions. Like
    Muffliato, it is often found cast
    upon broom cupboards.
  • Severing Spell Diffindo (dih-FINN-doh), draw the outline cuts to be made. Was
    originally used by clothes-makers. Saying the incantation slowly gives more
    time for a design to be drawn, but it is still limited, so it is more often
    used with non-verbal magic, similar to
  • Silencing CharmSilencio (sih-LEN-see-oh), draw a horizontal line over target. Disables
    the target from making any sound at all.
  • Sleep Charm* - Dormio (door-ME-oh), tap wand against target. Instantly makes the
    target fall asleep, good for crying children, but immensely hard to master.
  • Softening CharmSpongify (SPONGE-ih-fiy), S shape then point at target. Used for
    protection, mostly, it makes the target feel spongy and soft. The effect only
    lasts for about five minutes on average, so it must be recast if it will be
    used for longer, but the more power put into the spell the longer its effects
    will last.
  • Sparks Charms – jab wand in the desired
    direction. Sends a line of sparks from the tip of the wand.
    Periculum is used as a flare or signal
    for help.
    • Green*: Sagittio Viridum (sah-JIT-tea-oh
    • Blue*: Sagittio Hyacinthium (sah-JIT-tea-oh
    • Red*: Periculum or Sagittio Rubrum (per-IH-cue-lum)
      (sah-JIT-tea-oh RUE-brum)
  • Summoning CharmAccio (ACK-ee-oh), point wand at target/general direction of target.
    After the main incantation the object being summoned must be said, the more
    specific, the better. The caster does not necessarily need to know where the
    object is. Objects can also be bewitched to ignore this spell, such as the
    Sword of Godric Gryffindor.
  • Switching Spell*Commutarus (comm-you-TAH-russ), draw a line between the two targets.
    This swaps where the targets are.
  • Undetectable Extension Charm* - Ignoreturus Dilatatio (ig-nore-reh-TURE-uss
    dill-lah-TAH-schee-oh), outwards spiral then flick downwards. This charm
    extends the interior of an object, the size being determined by the size of the
    drawn spiral, without changing the exterior. It is impossible for anyone to
    tell the object is enchanted unless they are told about it. Interestingly, the
    TARDIS from the Muggle television show
    appears to have this charm.
  • Unlocking CharmAlohomora (ah-loh-hoh-MO-rah), jab forwards and a full twist. Used
    to unlock things, unable to be used against
    as the latter was originally a counter-measure against thievery after Alohomora was created.
  • Wand-Extinguishing CharmNox (NOH’CKS), swift flick to the right.
    Extinguishes the wand the caster is holding, a counter-charm to
  • Wand-Lighting CharmLumos (LOOH-mohse), draw a single loop. This lights the tip of the
    wand. It has multiple variations, the most notably being
    Lumos Maxima, where the caster can throw a bit of light across a
    large distance,
    Lumos Duo, where the
    light shines very brightly and can defend against ghouls, and
    Lumos Solem, which summons sunlight.
  • Water Eruption Charm - Aqua Eructo (AH-kwa ee-RUH’CK-toe), point wand. This makes water
    pour out of the tip of the wand. The caster must be careful to focus, for the amount
    of water is controlled by the caster.
  • Wound-Closing SpellVulnura Sanentur (VUHL-nure-ah seh-NEN-ture), wave wand over wounds.
    Used for larger, piercing-weapon wounds such as sword strikes, must be repeated
    until the wound closes or it will not close properly.

I hope that you all find great use in these charms and spells, and that they prove themselves helpful in all your endeavors.

*All spells with an asterisk are known, canonical spells that do not have incantations. I have taken it upon myself to create them, using Latin as a guideline and following the basic rules to incantations.
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