The Three Witches and Hogwarts Mysteries
A story inspired by Harry Potter, The three girls believed in magic. Olivia Dragonheart, Isabell Bluesky and Amelia Clearwater. These girls did not believe in any old magic. They believed in wands, sorcery, unicorns and witchcraft. These girls will duel, and have a great adventure through the Wizarding World. They will meet interesting creatures and go through hard times. Join them as they have an adventure of a lifetime, filled with sorcery, magic, love… and betrayal… BY: Golden Phoenix and Lulu Scamander This is Part 1. There will be part 2 after all of part 1 is posted More chapters coming soon!
Last Updated
Test Results
Chapter 69
Test Results
The last test went very quickly as students were writing, their noses almost touching their parchments. Amelia, Isabell and Olivia felt they did very well since they knew a lot of spells and jinxes from Dumbledore.
‘It wasn’t that hard…’ said Amelia, exiting the classroom.
‘Yes, for the first time I feel pretty confident,’ Olivia replied.
‘I knew it was gonna be easy, since we know a lot about Defence Against the Dark Arts…’ Isabell shrugged.
The days and weeks went by quickly and finally they were informed about their results:
Olivia Dragonheart:
Potions: 109%
Defence Against the Dark Arts: 100%
History of Magic: 98%
Transfiguration: 100%
Charms: 115%
Herbology: 99%
Astronomy: 100%
Flying: 90%
‘See? Most of them are above 99% or above! That’s so good!’ Amelia said, patting Olivia.
‘I-I passed? But I got 90% in flying! AND 98% IN HISTORY OF MAGIC!’
‘Passing is from 80% to above! And anyways, flying doesn’t affect your future! And maybe History of Magic,’ grinned Isabell. ‘Well, here are my results!’
They all looked at Isabell’s paper:
Isabell Bluesky:
Potions: 100%
Defence Against the Dark Arts: 100%
History of Magic: 98%
Transfiguration: 100%
Charms: 116%
Herbology: 98%
Astronomy: 100%
Flying: 89%
‘Nice!’ both Olivia and Amelia said, making Isabell smile.
‘116% in Charms?’ shrieked Isabell.
‘Wow!’ exclaimed Olivia.
Amelia Clearwater:
Potions: 100%
Defence Against the Dark Arts: 100%
History of Magic: 99%
Transfiguration: 100%
Charms: 112%
Herbology: 99%
Astronomy: 100%
Flying: 120%
‘Wow! 120% in flying!’ Isabell exclaimed.
‘120%? THAT IS A LOT!’ Olivia exclaimed.
‘I know I’m a good flyer but not that good,’ Amelia said modestly. ‘Oh, I got 112% in Charms, 4 marks less than you…’
‘That’s alright, we all aren’t perfect-’
‘Not perfect? Most of your results are 100% and above!’ Isabell said, laughing.
Amelia found out she had the highest result for flying, Isabell for Charms and Olivia for Potions in all of the first-year students. The Ravenclaw first-year students were having a celebration for their great results. They drank Butterbeer and some Every- Flavour Beans.
‘Eww… I just tasted earwax…’ said Isabell, looking revolted.
‘Unlucky! I tasted milk!’ Olivia laughed.
‘I tasted strawberry,’ shrugged Amelia.
‘Lucky!’ Isabell groaned.
‘Is the earwax from the wizard who made the beans?’ said Olivia sarcastically, making Isabell even more disgusted.
‘Shut up, will you? I have a stomach ache from you now…’
Having blood-shot eyes, all the students went to bed after the great party.