The Three Witches and Hogwarts Mysteries
A story inspired by Harry Potter, The three girls believed in magic. Olivia Dragonheart, Isabell Bluesky and Amelia Clearwater. These girls did not believe in any old magic. They believed in wands, sorcery, unicorns and witchcraft. These girls will duel, and have a great adventure through the Wizarding World. They will meet interesting creatures and go through hard times. Join them as they have an adventure of a lifetime, filled with sorcery, magic, love… and betrayal… BY: Golden Phoenix and Lulu Scamander This is Part 1. There will be part 2 after all of part 1 is posted More chapters coming soon!
Last Updated
Happily ever after? Or not alive ever after?
Chapter 64
Happily ever after? Or not alive ever after?
‘What do you think Dumbledore did to Amelia?’ asked Olivia, reading her Charms book in the common room after they finished all of their afternoon lessons. ‘It’s been almost five hours.’
‘I don’t know, do you think there's something wrong? Like someone’s... I dunno?’ Isabell questioned, looking worried.
‘I’m sure she’s alright,’ Olivia reassured. ‘Dumbledore’s very powerful, remember?’
‘Oh yeah,’ agreed Isabell, but still not completely reassured. Olivia also wasn’t that confident in her answer to Isabell’s question.
‘Look,’ she said. ‘I think we should check on her if-’
There was a hard knock on the Ravenclaw common room door that interrupted Olivia.
‘Who’s that? A Ravenclaw that doesn’t know the answer to the riddle?’ laughed Isabell.
‘Shut up, will you? I’ll go check who it is… It could be a prank or something,’ said Olivia.
She got up and opened the door to the common room, where she found…
‘Draco…’ Olivia said angrily. ‘What are you doing here? I don’t think this is the right place for bullying-’
‘It’s not that, it’s-’ Draco began, standing there looking pale and worried.
‘WHO IS IT, OLIVIA?’ Isabell asked loudly, interrupting him.
‘SHH! Come here and see for yourself!’ Olivia whisper-shouted.
Isabell came over to Olivia and her jaw dropped.
‘What’s he doing here?’ asked Isabell, glaring at Draco.
‘I asked the same question, and he was going to answer, but you interrupted!’ said Olivia.
‘Oh, sorry.’
‘Go ahead Draco,’ Olivia told him.
‘It’s Amelia, she-’
‘What about her?’ Isabell snapped, interrupting him again.
‘Isabell, he was about to explain!’ Olivia said, gritting her teeth.
‘I want to know what’s happening to her!’
‘Anyways,’ said Draco, ignoring what they said and continued. ‘Amelia is in trouble. Her father and mine captured Dumbledore. I don’t know how they did that as he is very powerful. My father told me she’ll pay for betraying the Death Eaters.’
The girls had no hesitation. They reached the staircase which was concealed by a large, ugly stone Gargoyle.
‘Sherbet lemons!’ said Olivia hurriedly.
The gargoyle didn’t move.
‘SHERBET LEMONS!’ she shouted
It still didn’t move. Draco caught up.
‘STOP! They changed the password!’ said Draco.
‘Yeah,’ said Isabell, staring at the gargoyle. ‘I don’t think we can get in now. WAIT! Maybe we can tell Professor McGonnagal! She can help us!’
‘No, no…’ said Draco. ‘I know the password! Can you please let me help?’
Olivia and Isabell glanced at each other.
‘Please?’ he said eagerly.
‘Fine, but why do you want to help?’ asked Olivia.
‘I-I-b-because my father’s taking it too far...’ said Draco looking down at his shoes. ‘H-he said that this is only the beginning.’
Olivia and Isabell thought deeply.
‘Well…’ said Isabell.
‘I’m not sure…’ said Olivia.
‘Ok, so the password is the Dark Lord.’
The gargoyle spun and revealed a stone staircase. They climbed the stairs and found the wooden door. They knocked last time but this time they didn’t bother knocking now. They pushed the door open and inside were Amelia and Dumbledore, unconscious, tied to the wall with some invisible and enchanted ropes. Mr. Clearwater and Mr. Malfoy were both near the desks holding their wands and pointing them at Amelia and Dumbledore as though daring them to move an inch.
‘When can I kill him?’ asked Mr. Clearwater, poking Dumbledore’s throat with his wand.
‘Not now, William!’ snarled Mr. Malfoy as he made Mr. Clearwater lower his wand from Dumbledore.
They didn’t notice that Draco, Isabell and Olivia were in the room.
‘Fine, Lucius!’ Mr. Clearwater hissed.
‘Amelia!’ Isabell whisper-shouted.
‘SHH! Isabe-’
‘Well, well, well… nice of you to join us, dear.’
A woman appeared out of thin air, held Olivia and pushed her hard to the wall.
‘Wh-who are you?’ Olivia asked, barely having any breath to talk because the woman was pushing her very hard, making her nose bleed.
‘Oh… I forgot to introduce myself… where are my manners?’ The woman sneered.
She had long, wavy black hair and dull, frost blue eyes. Even though she was beautiful, she certainly looked evil.
‘I am… Ava Dragonheart. I think you know who I am by now.’
‘You’re her mum? YOU ARE! I saw you in The Leaky Cauldron!’ asked Isabell, looking petrified.
‘Of course I am,’ she smiled and her mouth showed dirty yellow teeth.
‘I-I thought you were dead…’ said Olivia, her eyes wide with fear, ‘H-how can you treat me like this!’
‘Don’t you dare question my authority!’ said Mrs. Dragonheart, her voice echoing in the room. ‘I can treat you however I want.’ She cackled maniacally.
‘Mother, I- I thought-’
Mrs. Dragonheart held Olivia more tightly as she was staring at a figure appearing from the shadows. It was a man. He had brown straight hair with green eyes. It was her father, Owen Dragonheart.
‘DRACO, WE NEED SOME HELP HERE!’ shouted Isabell while Mr. Malfoy pointed his wand at her.
‘Draco?’ asked Mr. Malfoy, ‘I don’t see Draco here.’
Draco had indeed disappeared.
‘WE SHOULDN’T HAVE TRUSTED HIM! THAT TRAITOR!’ Isabell yelled so loudly.
Just as she finished her sentence, there were about millions of footsteps heard.
‘Well hello, Severus,’ Mr. Malfoy smirked as Snape appeared at the doorstep.
‘No time for greetings, Lucius… I insist you step away from them all, and… the Dragonhearts?’ Snape’s pale lips curled; he turned paler.
‘Ah! Dear Snivellus! Our old best friend. Too bad you wanted to hang out with a mudblood!’ smirked Mr. Dragonheart. ‘You should have hung out with us,’ he said as he approached Snape.
‘Don’t… you… dare… talk... about… LILY POTTER LIKE THAT!’ Snape yelled as he used a non-verbal spell and made blood ooze out of Mr. Dragonheart’s pale skin. ‘And what are you? Cowards? You need four of you to go up against two children?’
‘Professor, help us! Amelia is unconscious!’ Olivia said, staring at Snape.
But before Snape could do anything, Mrs. Dragonheart had hexed him and broke Olivia’s nose.
‘Severus!’ Professor Mcgonagall appeared with Draco at the door. ‘Olivia Dragonheart!’
‘Draco! How dare you!’ yelled Mr. Malfoy.
‘THIS IS WHAT YOU GET SNIVELLUS! HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO MY HUSBAND?’ Mrs. Dragonheart said in her high-pitched voice.
She was about to kill them when she spotted Professor McGonagall.
‘Ah, Minerva Mcgonagall…’
‘Oh! Draco ran to get help! I shouldn’t have accused him…’ Isabell said, looking apologetic.
‘Ava Dragonheart…’ Professor Mcgonagall glared at her in pure loath.
They glared at each other for a while while Snape was recovering from Mrs. Dragonheart’s hex by the minute.
‘STUPEFY!’ Snape regained consciousness, untied himself from the rope and stunned Mrs. Dragonheart.
‘Rennervate!’ Snape awoke Amelia and she opened her eyes as Isabell untied her quickly.
‘Let’s help Olivia, she's hurt!’
Amelia nodded but before they could do anything, the door swooped open and more teachers came in, including: Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout and Hagrid. They stunned the Death Eaters, (Hagrid punched Mr. Malfoy and he went unconscious) and carried the Death Eaters using a charm (Locomotor) and went outside with them floating above their heads. Olivia was crying. Isabell and Amelia helped her get up.
‘Episkey!’ Professor Mcgonagall fixed Olivia’s nose. There was dry blood and everyone had battle marks.
‘H-how c-c-could th-they d-do this to m-me?’
‘Shush… it’s alright…’
A gentle hand patted her weak shoulder.
Amelia was filled with guilt as she watched the shocked Olivia.