The Book Of Magical Pets
Do you want to know about magical pets? This book is all about different pets!
Last Updated
Chapter 1
Puffskeins - XX
Puffskeins are round, fluffy and yellow (although you can get them in different colours) creatures who make cute and friendly pets. They loved being cuddled and don't mind being thrown around. They are good pets for young children as they are easy to care for and will scavenge for its own food. They have very long tounges and like to stick them up their wizard or witch owner's noses and eating their bogeys. The Puffskein has two hybrids: a Pygmy Puff and a Fanged Puffskein. Pygmy Puffs come in pink and purple and grow more and more hair as they get older. Fanged Puffskeins are jet black with sharp fangs and are now illegal.