Medieval Magic: A history of how our time came to be
Magic has been around for many billions of years, and this book will tell you all about different periods in time. Useful for History of Magic, Charms, DADA.
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Chapter 7
A long time ago, ancient Egyptian wizards were not happy with non-magic people, and put hexes, jinxes, spell, and curses in Egypt buildings.
Egypt pyramids and tombs could be seen as a sight seeing tourist attraction for many non-magic people (muggles), but were also home to over a hundred wizard and witches.
Researchers are still trying to figure out the spells the magical people used, but they put curses on the tombs/piramids. The muggles would either grow extra limbs or heads or else simply disapparate to unkown locations.
If you go into the tombs now, you can see the skeletons of people.