The Sussy Bakas
Leo, a super hot guy at hogwarts, and Autumn, a pretty cool student attending hogwarts, start dating after the mysterious murder of his gf, Calypso. Many plot twists happen, and no one is who they seem. And though a lot of people seem to want to marry Leo (duh) there is a mysterious Sussy Baka Duo around Hogwarts. By: Leo Valdez and Autumn Granger
Last Updated
Moldy Voldy Seduces Dumblegate
Chapter 16
Moldy Voldy Seduces Dummblegate
Voldy was walking around hogwarts trying to blend in, wearing the most cute hello kitty pyjamas he borrowed from Mcgongall. His true purpose here was to get to dumblegate and...he didn't know. That's when he realized he needed help. And where could he get help? Leo Valdez ofc.
He went to try and find him, and it wasn't hard. He saw a huge crowd arounf a single person in the great hall. He pushed through the people, accioed leo to him and made his way upstairs.
Leo was used to marrige threats ofc, they happened at least 5 times a day, so he supposed this was anoher. He was just about to make up some excuse about why he couldn't marry this person, when he realized it was moldy voldy! he was really blending in with those hello kitty pjs. ultimate weapon!
voldy set leo down on a chair and tied him up with a spell: "tie ropey chair". he then told leo why he was there.
"you want dumble door? why?"
"have you SEEN him?!" replied stinky voldy
"unfortunately, and still i ask why?"
"Just help me"
"Why would i help a moldy person?"
"or else.."
"what bro?"
"uh idk i haven't really thought about that"
So leo was held hostage... again.
(someone please owl me how many times)