Wizarding World: The news #7
written by Luna Stars
Hello This is Luna Stars and I'm back with another issue of Wizarding World: The news! In todays issue you will find an advert for student council the newsroom and a guide to parseltounge!
Last Updated
A guide to Parseltounge
Chapter 4
Yes. I can speak parseltonge. Don't judge me for it though! Now I will be teaching only simple words a the moment.
Hello= Htachya Pronuncation Htaayaaaaaa
Goodbye = Uhghh Pronunction ughhhhhh
Good Morning= keekou Pronunation keeeekowww
Good Afternoon= Oohwoaow Pronuncation ohhhhwoww
Goodnight= Nighhhahhhh Pronuncation night ahhhh
Say these all in a strangled tone. If you have any words you would like to say in parseltonge Owl me and I will eventually put it into y next guide