Wizarding World: The news #4
Hello welcome back to another issue of Wizarding World: the news! In todays issue I will explain how this magazine is going to work as I have not gone into this, I will find the best Harry Potter memes I can find and much more!
Last Updated
Muggle News Why do Wizards despise them?
Chapter 1
Any decent folk must wonder why muggles are despised so much. Well my friend Nymphadora Bell believes she has the answer.
Hello Wizarding World! I am Nymphadora and I am going to explain why muggles are despised. In the medieval times, many muggles despised us even though we were innocent. They drowned us hung us and burnt us at sake. Thank goodness those times are over. However that behavour from the muggles to some was unforgiveable though of course they are just frightened. Even though the muggles cannot harm us dosent mean we should harm them. Therefore I beg that nobody should ever be prejudged against a muggle who may just be a defenseless normal person.
Thank you for those wise words Nymphadora! You should certainly listen to her advice!