Diary of a First-Year Hufflepuff
It’s me, Grace. I’m a first-year Hufflepuff who likes to write my day at Hogwarts. I hope you find my diary interesting and enjoyable and I hope that future generation first-years will also learn as they go, just like I did. Many of these entries are based on actual events happening in my life, but obviously I twist the stories a little to make them more magical!
Last Updated
The Last Day of Hogwarts Classes!
Chapter 27
Dear Diary,
O.M.G. Today was my last day of Hogwarts classes! And I finished! We didn't have much learning, it was more like partying. First we had a big Quidditch match, then a massive feast in the Great Hall. Everyone congratulated the seventh years, and the first years were excited that they wouldn't be the youngest next year. It was an exciting day, and I enjoyed it. I will be leaving Hogwarts for the summer and then returning for my second year!