Diary of a First-Year Hufflepuff
It’s me, Grace. I’m a first-year Hufflepuff who likes to write my day at Hogwarts. I hope you find my diary interesting and enjoyable and I hope that future generation first-years will also learn as they go, just like I did. Many of these entries are based on actual events happening in my life, but obviously I twist the stories a little to make them more magical!
Last Updated
Got it All
Chapter 2
Dear Diary,
I have gotten all my materials yesterday from Diagon Alley! A cauldron, a wand, a lot of books, a hat, some protective gloves, work robes, and I believe a few other things. I decided that I will get a pet just a few days before I go to Hogwarts, which will be in a couple of months. I just want to let you know, I won't be updating this diary until it's time to go to Hogwarts because really nothing special is happening here where I live, Hogsmeade village. Oh yes, actually, I am quite fond of Hogsmeade. People shuffling around through the shops, eating, plenty of activity. Just... nothing as exciting as Hogwarts. Anyways, see you in September.