Diary of a First-Year Hufflepuff
It’s me, Grace. I’m a first-year Hufflepuff who likes to write my day at Hogwarts. I hope you find my diary interesting and enjoyable and I hope that future generation first-years will also learn as they go, just like I did. Many of these entries are based on actual events happening in my life, but obviously I twist the stories a little to make them more magical!
Last Updated
Stressed & Pressure
Chapter 14
Dear Diary,
I'm sorry the last time I wrote was a while ago. There's just been so much homework and studying, I can't find any time to write! Arithmancy exams are coming up, Astronomy exams are also coming up, and I'm scared all my hard work will go down the drain and I will fail the exams! There's just too much on my plate right now. Sometimes I even have to get under the covers and cry it all out. But then the next day - more stacks of textbooks and paper and studying! I still love Hogwarts and if I had the option I would still stay at Hogwarts, but I didn't expect so much stress and pressure as the end of the year is nearing, only a few more months. I'm going to have dinner in the Great Hall soon.
Grace, an extremely stressed student