Diary of a First-Year Hufflepuff
It’s me, Grace. I’m a first-year Hufflepuff who likes to write my day at Hogwarts. I hope you find my diary interesting and enjoyable and I hope that future generation first-years will also learn as they go, just like I did. Many of these entries are based on actual events happening in my life, but obviously I twist the stories a little to make them more magical!
Last Updated
Chapter 13
Dear Diary,
I just finished 2 hours of studying Arithmancy. It wasn't homework, but I feel like I am not that good at it, and I want to study to get better so that I don't fail any upcoming Arithmancy exams. I also borrowed some Arithmancy notes from the library that was written by a first-year student many years ago, and apparently, it ended up in the library for other students to look at. I also got a different book from the library called "Everything you need to Ace Arithmancy in one Big Fat Notebook". It has 531 pages and is a very helpful resource for taking notes in my own notebook. It has lots of information, although I don't feel like I learned much over the last couple of hours... I guess it takes time to learn more. Anyways, I'm really sad tomorrow is Monday. Back to classes! Can't wait for Friday again, since there are no classes. I am really stressed right now. Oh, why? Maybe because tomorrow is Monday, maybe because I feel like I'm horrible at Arithmancy, maybe because I'm really tired, maybe because sometimes I feel my best friends are ditching me, maybe because I feel guilty for sneaking into the restricted section of the library, or maybe it's a mix of everything.