Flame-Freezing Charm
What is a Flame-Freezing Charm? Read this book to find out. I learned this in my first year. A Flame-Freezing Charm is……
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Flame - Freezing Charm
Chapter 1
The Flame - Freezing Charm is a charm that makes a witch or wizard light up into flames, burning the witch or wizard. This makes them do nothing more than to tickle the witch or wizard in question. The problems culminated in the introduction of the international statute of secrecy in 1689. This international law completed the SEPARATION of the two worlds. This law created to protect the magical and non-magical communities from each other. Magic was being used in willy-nilly ways, to hurt, trick, and confuse muggles. Even though the law was signed in 1689, it took further than three years before it was officially established by all government's international. That is it thank you for reading!