How to be self-confident ?
Advice to have confidence in oneself, with a person and being alone.
Last Updated
Chapter 1: All Alone
Chapter 1
Do you prefer to learn to trust yourself on your own, by telling no one? I understand. You can talk to someone about it if you want, but only when you think you're ready.
Tips 1: Every day, give yourself a goal for the day. Try to achieve it. It will work your pride (being proud of yourself).
Tips 2: If you're hesitant about something, do it, don't do it, ask yourself this question: What have I got to lose? Make a table, with two columns, one pros, one cons. If you have more stuff in the perks column, do it. If the reverse then does nothing, but it does not mean that you have to forget this idea!
Tips 3: Keep a journal. It may sound childish, but expressing yourself in any way will do you good.
Tips 4: Express yourself with your passion! When you can, do what you love! If you like to dance dance, sing, draw... It doesn't matter where! It can be in your room or elsewhere! If you don't feel comfortable with people staring at you, do it alone. Then little by little, film yourself exercising your passion, then watch the video. You will see that the imperfections you find in yourself, others may not see it!
Tips 5: If someone looks at you, you're embarrassed, don't be afraid, on the contrary. If you are dancing, singing, she is watching you because she loves what you are doing!
Tips 6: every day, tell yourself a sentence to make you believe in yourself. For example "I'm strong enough to do it. I can do it." You'll see, the more time passes, the more you'll believe it (after all, it's only the truth, isn't it?).