Granger and the philosopher's stone
A adventurous story
Last Updated
New Chapter
Chapter 1
All was normal on the 31st of October, 2012 in London’s Godric’s Hollow. It was normal to see children trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, asking for candies and dressing up as ghosts, wizards, zombies and stuff like that. Even an adult dressed up as a scary character. He had red eyes and a pale face, so he probably dressed up as a vampire. Who it was, Mrs. Emma Granger didn’t know. His face was hidden by a large black cloak. Mrs. Granger went back upstairs to her one-year-old daughter, Audrey’s room. Soon, she would be old enough to go trick or treating with her mother together and go to houses in the neighborhood to get candy. But this year, Mr and Mrs Granger were too busy taking care of their daughter to go trick or treating. It was going to be an uneventful Halloween. Or so they thought.
Outside the Granger’s house, the adult who had red eyes and pale face was cackling to himself. What idiotic Muggles, he thought. They thought I was doing that stupid trick or treating like them! How pathetic! I am going to do something that would get rid of the one that would destroy me in the future.