Story Time
This is a book full of stories from my time at school and some contributions of some very lovely souls. There is obviously not a never ending supply but there are quite a few so if you want to feel free to read.
Last Updated
In school suspension. (Story by Liz Trendal)
Chapter 5
My friend was ignoring me all day! I have a fear of loneliness and Disruptive mood disregulation disorder (DMDD) so I went over and called her a Bitch! She cusses all the time but for some reason it wasn’t ok for me to cus at her so she went and told my teacher! I got “In school suspension “ for the day and the next day! A week or two later I was in band and my teacher called me into the principals office! He asked me “Has she been using your chrome book to send emails?” I said “Yes!” and she got “In school suspension” for the next two days! Justice was served! :)