How to be a great year 1 student NO.2
This is an edition of 'How to be a great year 1 student.' If you read through that one and didn't get to much information from it, just read this book! It'll be amazing to have a read through 'How to be a great year 1 student NO.2
Last Updated
Chapter 6
Grading is something some year 1s don't understand even if the teacher talked about this. These are the grades:
O=outstanding/90-100%. If you got this, you passed!
E=exceeds expectations/80-89%. If you got this, you passed!
A=acceptable/70-79%. If you got this, you passed!
P=poor/60-69%. If you got this, you failed.
D=dreadful/50-59%. If you got this, you failed.
T=troll/0-49%. If you got this, you failed.
Some assighnments can be redone while some can't so read the instructions carefully. If you failed, you should redo the assighnment if you can so that you can see your mistakes. Sometimes, the PA or professor that marked your work might give you some feedback.