How to be a great year 1 student NO.2
written by Oliwia Melody
This is an edition of 'How to be a great year 1 student.' If you read through that one and didn't get to much information from it, just read this book! It'll be amazing to have a read through 'How to be a great year 1 student NO.2
Last Updated
Different Classes
Chapter 3
Every single class requires you to:
- listen to your teacher
- take notes
- ask if you don't understand something
- not doze of in class
- not daydream in class
- read the class textbook carefully
- do your assighnments
- never give up
- never lose confidence
- practice safe spells
- if you want to practice an unsafe spell, ask a teacher/PA
- know what your wand core, wand wood, wand flexibility and wand length is
- not only practice spells
- don't interact with a spilled potion
- know what cauldros are safe and unsafe
- know how to heat up a cauldron
- don't stick your wand into ANY potion
- have all your needed ingridients ready
- always have your telescope with you at classes
- study the stars when you can
- take care of your telescope
- if your telescope gets broken, give it to the teacher
- have your telescope named
- always have your broom with you at classes
- don't fly without a teacher watching you
- take care of your broom
- keep it in a safe place
Defense Against the Dark Arts:
- practice safe spells
- unsafe spells you want to practice, get a PA/teacher
- don't use bad spells that you were taught in class
- NEVER use an unforgivable spell
- take care of safe plants only
- make sure to have a cauldron with you
- make sure to have a spade with you
History of Magic:
- don't say this subject is boring just because it sounds like it
- do outside research about the things you learnt
- don't try to do human transfiguration
- NEVER try to conjure food, life, love, magical energy and knowledge