This book should not be read by anyone who values their sanity and/or happiness. You see, this is a tale of things that the mortal world cannot comprehend, such as demonic, man-eating wombats. I’m serious. I myself, the humble narrator of this story, wish I didn’t have to tell of the Otherside. Frankly, I would prefer to tell fairy tales, like the Grimm brothers got to, but alas, the Guild of Storytellers gave me the dreadful task of telling the stories of the darkest place in the universe.
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Chapter 1
This book should not be read by anyone who values their sanity and/or happiness. You see, this is a tale of things that the mortal world cannot comprehend, such as demonic, man-eating wombats. I’m serious.
I myself, the humble narrator of this story, wish I didn’t have to tell of the Otherside. Frankly, I would prefer to tell fairy tales, like the Grimm brothers got to, but alas, the Guild of Storytellers gave me the dreadful task of telling the stories of the darkest place in the universe.
Now, the Otherside is a place opposite of all light. There is no happiness, and the grass doesn't grow. The shadows grow every second, and the chaos of a corrupted government destroys all hope of happiness, or anything good found in the other realms. It is as bad as it sounds, so I will now give you the chance to close your book and put it back on the shelf, or better yet, burn it and feed the ashes to a dragon or a demonic, man-eating wombat.
You’re still reading? Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you…