Second Years Guide to Ace Charms: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for CHRM-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Lesson Two: The Basics Study Guide
Chapter 3
Forms & Implementations
Magical things have properties that are similar to other magical things, but each also has properties of its own. An example of this is a flying carpet versus a broomstick. Both fly so you can travel, but the carpet can't make sharp turns like the broomstick can, & the broomstick can't carry more than two people like the carpet can. To get an item to fly, many charms are used to determine how fast or slow, high or low, or how it can change the route it's on. Implementations are called by the final product's name, such as a broomstick. This is essentially the outcome of using forms on an object. The crafter who makes these items infulences the object based on skill & wisdom in the field, such as how powerful a broomstick is.
Magical & Mundane Materials
Charms that are casted on mundane items are only temporary, where as spells that are casted on magical items will last longer. Magical items are items that have acquired magic from a natural source, such as wand wood. Mundane items are used for a simple & temporary magical use. Things for pranks or magical edibles are what mundane materials are commonly used.
Naturally Magical Versus Artifically Magical
Some items that are magical can be used in an ordinary item without casting charms. Wands are essentially naturally magical, where as invisibility cloaks can be both naturally magical & artifically magical. A mundane cloak can be dunked into a potion to create an artifically magical cloak.
Fun Facts
⊱ Charms that are used in a form usually don't work properly unless woven with other charms.
⊱ A Nimbus two thousand & one will be replaced by a firebolt due to how powerful of the wood's magic is.
⊱ The quality of the magical item is diagnosed by how powerful the magical material is used.
⊱ By using a naturally magical cloak, you must poccess the hairs of a Demiguise. Though, they are difficult to find & you will need lots of hair to make one cloak.