The Hogwarts Magazine!
written by Hermione Ravenclaw
Join the group, or just read some articles! I will be updating this weekly! Thank you!
Last Updated
The story/poem of the week!
Chapter 4
Racism is hurtful, cruel and unkind
Epic things happen to our live
Don’t judge by skin,
Don’t give in!
If you are hurt,
Don’t suffer in silence,
Tell and an adult
Or someone you trust
You must!
No matter what they say
It can hurt your day!
Be proud of your culture!
Be proud of your skin,
So, help me fight for Racism
And make the world we dream
Where no ones mean
And don’t know the word “ Racism”
Fight with me,
Stand with me,
Help with me,
And make the bullies go!
Written by Hermione Ravenclaw (admin)