Hogwarts Daily News Issue #141
In this issue, there is a biography, entrainment and an informative article. Also, chapter 1 of the The Undiscovered Princess is in this issue!
Last Updated
How I Think Ron Proposed To Hermione [ A story by Rose Weasley/Granger] (Entrainment)
Chapter 2
Ron was thinking about proposing to Hermione… He finally got the courage to ask her to marry him! He looked for a ring, but then he remembered the ring that his uncle Bilius gave him when he was little. His uncle told him to give it to the woman with whom he wants to sped his life with, and so that’s what Ron did, he gave it to the woman he wanted to spend his life with… Then, he couldn’t find a unique way to propose to Hermione, but he remembered that time on the train when he first met her and he attempted to do the “spell” that Fred and George taught him! This idea was brilliant! So, the next day he took Hermione Platform 9 ¾, to the train, then got inside and on his knees and said to her, “My dear Hermione, sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, will you marry this stupid full-in-love fellow?”
Rose Weasley/Granger, HDN writer