Second Years Guide to Ace Transfiguration: A Study Guide
This book is intended for all who need a quick study reference guide for TNFG-201. It has a glossary of terms & its appropriate meanings for the entire course. Each chapter is based on a lesson; where it won't go into grave detail, but will give you the necessary components to study for upcoming tests & assignments. This does not include mid-term & final exams. All detailed information about each topic is in your official lessons with the Professor. DO NOT COPY AS IT IS PLAGIARISM!
Last Updated
Lesson Four: Critters & Dishes Study Guide
Chapter 5
Goblets are cups which have a stem & base. It is used for drinking. Goblets are commonly used ofr water, wine, & mead. The Holy Grail & the Goblet of Fire are the goblets most heard of & cannot be transfigured.
Colin Crestfellow's wife hid all the cups in his house to try to stop him from drinking firewhiskey. It is often used when unexpected guests arrive & for dinner parties. Visualize the creature altering into a goblet. If the spell fails, the goblet may be partially transformed. This spell can be used on rats, mice, small birds, & lizards.
Incantation: Fera Verto (FER-uh VER-toh)
Wand Movement: Three taps on the object
Concentration/Willpower: Medium
Fun Facts
⊱ Chalices are made of glass, metal, & stone.
⊱ Religious celebrations, wizarding feasts, & modern wine glasses are where goblets are used most often.
⊱ Goblets are also called chalices.
⊱ Colin transfigured his wife's pet ferret into a goblet.