Hogwarts Daily News Issue #132
written by ☆ 《Belle Brookes》 ☆
In this issue, there are two announcements. One about the winners of the Golden Portkey and another from the writer of Positive Saturday. There is also many other fun articles!
Last Updated
Fantastic Beasts: Some information about... (Informational)
Chapter 4
Hello! In this series we’re going to learn some information about magic creatures!
It is found in the Far East and in India
It’s a plumed, two-legged creature with a serpentine body
It’s about fifteen legs long
It feeds on rats and birds
If it feels danger it’ll attack
It’s very aggressive to everyone
Its eggs are made of silver, so if you’ll touch them, it‘ll attack
Its skin is turquoise and its hair are purple.
It’s carnivorous
It is capable of Choranaptyxic
Source: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Occamy
Clarissa Angelina Herkins, HDN Writer