Psychic Part 1
A beginner and basic guide to develop your psychic abilities. "Some people say you are born naturally with psychic power and if you were not, you can't have psychic abilities, but I say different. You can develop the psychic power on your own. You can create it, control it, destroy it if and only if you 'enter my mind'."
Last Updated
The Colors Of Thought
Chapter 7
Let us, from this point, take a more holistic approach to
obtain a more complete understanding of psychic. The system will help you to
better understand how and why a person thinks the way he does and to better
predict what he will do in a given situation.
Human nature is the hardware running the program we call
thought, input in and input out. It does the same thing every time based upon
the commands entered. Although rarely simple, it is an equation nonetheless,
once you understand the ‘magic’ behind the commands. You can tell what someone
is thinking because, in reality, he’s not thinking. Outside of real creative
thought, human beings are actually forced into conclusions about how and what
they see. What often passes for thought is really a response based on emotionally
pre-programmed choices.
From the colors – red, blue and yellow, you can create millions
of distinct and discernable colors. Blue and red makes purple, yellow and red
makes orange and yellow and blue makes green. Similarly, when you understand
the primary colors of the mind, all you need to know is how much of each color
is present to tell the shade of the person’s thoughts within a situation. There
are secondary factors influencing our thinking, which are self-esteem,
confidence, level of interest, effort, justification, beliefs and mood.
Self-esteem – the degree to which a person likes himself and
feels worthy of happiness.
Confidence – the degree to which a person feels competent
and effective.
Level of interest – what exactly is at stake or the degree
to which one cares about the conversation or situation.
Effort – how much work, emotional, physical, financial etc
is necessary to achieve the objective.
Justification – to make sense of our previous behavior, a
person builds a vision of himself and his world that may be inconsistent with
Beliefs – anything a person holds to be true, whether or not
it is consistent with the facts.
Mood – a person’s current state of mind, as it relates to
his circumstances.