Why I don't like the Hogwarts House Quiz on Pottermore
written by Merlin D. Trelawney
Why I think the Pottermore House Quiz isn't reliable.
Last Updated
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
I don't like the Pottermore House Quiz for several reasons.
One is that it asks ridiculous questions, like "Light or Dark?" "Heads or Tails?" "Dawn or Dusk?"
How does Heads or Tails decide which House you're in? It makes zero sense.
Another is that it sorted me incorrectly the first time I took it. I got Slytherin, but I'm a true Ravenclaw.
But seriously. The questions in the quiz are crazy and irrelevant to your House.
The Pottermore quiz can help determine your House, but don't rely on it too much.
If you're trying to decide your Hogwarts House, by all means take the Pottermore quiz, but also take a bajillion other House quizzes, as well as asking friends and family what they think. Then, whichever answer comes up most, then that's your House, unless you're sure you're in another House.